i whispered in the night
i whispered a little wish
i hoped someone or something heard it
i whispered you would fall asleep
and wake up happy
i wished you would be able to do
what i am not able and be relieved
i said a small silent maybe even insignificant prayer
that i could be with you and you were here
but i wished more you would be happy
even if it meant not being with me
i whispered to the oblivion
that you would be safe
and you would be fine
i whispered to the wind
to take you where you wanted to go
i whispered to the paths
to help you find your way to destiny
i whispered to fate
that she be near to you
that she be in your favor
i whispered to the moon
that he shine when you would lose your way
i whispered to the stars
that they grant your wishes when the time came
i whispered to the ground
who would see you off as i never could
i whispered to God
that he watch over you as i never could
i whispered to everything else that i hoped was out there
that they bring you what i never could
i whispered my wishes
i whispered my hopes
i had run out for my own
and so i said what i had left for you
in whispers
were i love you's
probably never to be heard again
because in the past
i had cried in whispers
as i tried to show you
but you didn't feel those whispers
you wanted only to hear
but my whispers
only the nothingness could hear
so now i whisper
as you go away
that you find the whispers
you had always desired
i whisper my wishes
to the moonlit sky
i whisper this wish
as the dawn comes on high
i whisper to them
that you find what you seek
even if it means you do not come back to me
i whisper to God
that he watch over you as i never could
i whisper to everything else that i hoped was out there
that they give you what i never could
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