My Little Pizza Maker
Just last week, Little Haven Learning Center - where my daughter is attending pre-school, had this great activity for their Nutrition Month theme this July. This was a "Pizza-making Camp" as my daughter named it.
Their entire Kindergarten class went to Greenwich and had a chance to make their own pizza. I got to learn a little something too. Here's how it went:

First of all you dress up. Here's my daughter, Andrea, in her apron and hairnet getting ready to make her pizza.

After which you get all your ingredients ready. The pizza store basically provided her with the pizza dough, some tomato sauce, cheese and ham. She then starts to spread the tomato sauce on top of the dough.

When you're just about done with that, then you sprinkle grated cheese and then top it off with ham. I didn't get a picture of the latter as she was going way too fast for my documentation purposes.

Anyway the end product should look something like this. At this point, the pizza is ready to go into the oven.

The entire activity took about 4 hours and cost me a hundred pesos. But it was quite worth it. My daughter got to make her own pizza and eat it too - so it was pretty good. She also got her "Pizza maker certificate." Not sure what that means really, but she had a good time and that's what matters.

That's the end of my little pizza maker's story.
For the mental processes are in themselves devoid of quality except for the excitements of pleasure and pain accompanying them, which, as we know, are to be held in check as possible disturbances of thought.. The resolution of your husband to refuse invitations to supper for the sake of getting thin teaches you that one grows fat on the things served in company.. It looks to me like a misdeal, she gaily replied, and was moving away when he called her back.. 1, vainly: Very well, thank you; and you? I think I must have been undone already.. Under certain conditions, one of which is the sleeping state, the balance of power between the two procedures is so changed that what is repressed can no longer be kept back.. Now I knew that she had struggled violently against spending the summer in the neighborhood of her mother-in-law.. Without an analysis, and merely by means of an assumption, I took the liberty of interpreting a little occurrence in the case of a friend, who had been my colleague through the eight classes of the Gymnasium.. He was, after all, only human, and when he got hands upon a piece of brush he thrashed the poor beast until it seemed as though even its already half-tanned hide would be eternally ruined.. The front of the house looked very dark.. The figure of the emperor is placed in the center in a firmly erect posture; special care is bestowed on the proper modelling of his figure; his enemies are seen cowering at his feet; but he is no longer represented a giant among dwarfs.. Brede, leaning on Mr.. ; also, playing upon the following words: hos pital; mayor ; pun ; pitied ; bread ; sauce , etc.. 'Most made the mistake of ma life, he chuckled, stickin' to that ol' train foheveh. Polly declared it was just like Haliburton's Latin conversation with the Hungarian minister, of which he is very fond of telling.. Going in, Hargraves would find a little table set with a decanter, sugar bowl, fruit, and a big bunch of fresh green mint.. In general, however, I am of the opinion that unfulfilled wishes of the day are insufficient to produce a dream in adults.. The man recoiled, dropping the useless fragment.. Really, it seems to me that horse is running away.. that the dream is a senseless and that it is a somatic process; apart from these cases we have had to accept all the contradictory views in one place or another of the complicated argument, and we have been able to demonstrate that they had discovered something that was correct.. Old Uncle Mose Mitchell, dey calls me now...
If this explanation brings the dream into line with the formation of psychical disease, it becomes the more important to fathom the essential conditions of processes like dream building.. Poopoo was evidently in trouble, having thoughts which often lie too deep for tears; and, as his grief was also too big for words, he untied his horse, jumped into his gig, and returned to the auctioneer in hot haste.. All was not yet lost. We meant to stay out until the Bredes had taken their departure; but we returned just in time to see Pete, the Jacobus darkey, the blacker of boots, the brasher of coats, the general handy-man of the house, loading the Brede trunks on the Jacobus wagon.. I have a strong doubt whether an unfulfilled wish from the day would suffice to create a dream in an adult.. Her eyes again answered that she expected he would, but she added, simply, When? In the course of a day or two, said the Colonel, quickly.. [5] Similar counter wish-dreams have been repeatedly reported to me within the last few years by my pupils who thus reacted to their first encounter with the wish theory of the dream.. Me 'n' you can fix them terms.. The long, thin white hair, curly at the ends, the aristocratic beak of a nose, the crumpled, wide, raveling shirt front, the string tie, with the bow nearly under one ear, were almost exactly duplicated.. These wishes and phantasies, which analysis discloses in our dreams at night, often present themselves as repetitions and refashionings of the scenes of infancy.. Stick to your seat, my boy; he can't keep this up much longer.. The delay was pleasant, with its opportunity for drowsy sunning, its relief from the grimy monotony of travel.. There was an irregular trembling of the boat as the anchor struggled along the bottom of the canal; then there was a great shock; the boat ran into the bank and stopped; the tow-line was tightened like a guitar-string, and the horse, jerked back with great violence, came tumbling in a heap upon the ground.. Remarks on the Inmates being mustered , etc.. We have been able to show in another place how the composition of the apparatus from the two systems permits a subtilization even of the normal activity which would be impossible for a single system.. With the greatest reluctance, and the--er--greatest pain, I succeeded in wresting from the maidenly modesty of my fair client the innocent confession that the defendant had induced her to correspond with him in these methods.. In the dream facade one would naturally be compelled to think of the parts of the little daughter run over and ground up.. That long tail's floating down there and spreading itself out like a fan; it tangled itself all around my head.. How provoking that they should have sent us the first invitation.. Sit down, said Podington, gazing blankly at the water around him, I can't do that! At this moment the horse made a slight movement...
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